Sunday, March 22, 2009

i heart blogging?

When I decided to pack my bags and make the big move to Syracuse, I realized how many things I shared with my friends and family. Not only, how much I shared with them, but how much I depended on their feedback as well. So, as I was saying my goodbyes, I promised many of my friends that I would start a blog...keeping them up to date with what I was reading, wearing, cooking for dinner, and anything else in between. After getting here, and unpacking my computer, I began the process of creating my blog. I spent weeks coming up with the perfect name, and then more weeks coming up with the perfect layout-becoming so wrapped up in other people's blogs that I forgot about my own.

So, after a few days (ok weeks) of struggling with what to write, how to start, and blah blah blah...I am officially starting my blog. that that is over with...look forward to posts full of cool internet finds, fashion, musings, and wedding stuff. Thats right...not only am I officially starting my blog...I am also officially engaged to the most wonderful man in the whole world. :)

Let the fun begin!